Chrysanthemums delivery Vladivostok

Today, chrysanthemums are one of the most popular flowers for making bouquets and compositions. Using different varieties, colors and shapes, you can create a wide variety of bouquets at any time of the year. And our experienced florists will be happy to help you understand this variety. Round-the-clock delivery in Vladivostok and Nakhodka.

 Bouquet of chrysanthemums #H009
Code: 1805
Code: 5876
Assorted bouquet #V002
Code: 4906
7 Santini Monobook
7 Santini Monobook
Code: 6194
Bouquet of chrysanthemums #A84665
Code: 6217
Santini Bouquet
Santini Bouquet
Code: 803022
Composite bouquet #A4189
Composite bouquet #A4189
Code: 6293
Monobook of 9 santini
Monobook of 9 santini
Code: 6113
Monobucket of 9 Santini #H1254
Code: 6504
Morning mood!
Morning mood!
Morning mood!
Morning mood!
Code: 3795
Santini Monobucket
Code: 2252
Prefabricated bouquet #A5485
Prefabricated bouquet #A5485
Code: 5156
Prefabricated bouquet #V010421
Prefabricated bouquet #V010421
Code: 1898
Code: 6226