Flowers delivery service in Vladivostok

A bouquet of carnations, bush roses and eustoma with eucalyptus greenery.
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Code: 6459
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01 Feb
02 Feb
03 Feb
Open calendar
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Delivery within the city of Vladivostok is free (except holidays) when ordering a bouquet, composition or bunch of balloons from 3000 rubles Claims regarding the quality of flowers are accepted within the first two hours after delivery of flowers.

Carnation- 7, eustoma-4, rose bush-4, eucalyptus-2, packaging.

Some shades of colors may differ from the photos on the website, based on the availability of the assortment at the time of order.
Each florist made the flower arrangement is unique and may vary in appearance, size and shades of color. It is also possible to replace the assortment of colors and composition depending on seasonality, availability of flowers and other factors. Each flower arrangement is made of fresh flowers and florists seek to match flower arrangement illustration on the Website.


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